Police Chief Announces His Retirement

Police Chief Announces His Retirement

For the last forty two years I have had the honor and privilege of serving the City of Hickory Hills in the capacity of a Police Officer. The last seventeen years of which I have served in the position of Chief of Police. The experiences and opportunities that this position provided to me during this time period were immeasurable and extremely rewarding. I have also had the pleasure of working for, and with, many employees and City Council members that have consistently displayed the best interests of the City and its residents. In my opinion, working in the Law Enforcement Profession for the City of Hickory Hills was the best job I could possibly ask for and I consider myself to be extremely fortunate. Therefore, it is with mixed emotions that I inform you of my intention to retire effective December 1, 2018.

I can’t say enough about the two Mayors I served under as Chief of Police. Both Jack Faddis and Michael Howley allowed me to do my job as I saw fit and supported me in my leadership decisions. Their direction and vision enabled me to create an atmosphere and philosophy conducive to effective law enforcement that transcends throughout the Department. In essence, they made my job easier! The improvement of community relations and quality of life has always been at the forefront of my patrol level and management level approaches to policing.

In conclusion, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support throughout my last forty two years of service to the City I call home.


Chief of Police
Alan T. Vodicka